Thursday, July 30, 2009

Worship: being one with God.
Blasphemy: God being one with you.

マキノ Lifestyle,

Monday, July 27, 2009

Nice hotel lobby

Odaiba Gundam

Odaiba is by the ocean and has many cool buildings, as well as a giant
Gundam, only for this summer!

Quote from Terry Hofer

"Cameron, you can't always have what you want in life right when you
want it and this might be one of those times. Now I'm going to get
some Chifon cake with ice cream. "

マキノ Lifestyle,

Hotel lobby bathroom

Prince Hotel in Shinagawa outside Tokyo

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pocari Sweat

This ad is kind of confusing. But I like Pocari Sweat.

From the roof

Mad hatter bowling alley

A very happy unbirthday to me...

Pool cleaning

Cheer your child with this Fanky Malloon.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I didn't start lying until I tried to teach the truth.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Answers require; they are endovitalic, over and over. Grace confers and gives; an exovitalic process.


You want your answer, and you will have blood for it.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Do I want it, or is it wantable?

マキノ Lifestyle,


I am not an extension of the words you use to describe me. I am something completely different. Am I an extension of the words I use to describe myself? Are these the same words?
Now that you've got nothing, you can give everything.
Love is not at the top of the ladder of social interaction, anymore than Heaven is the highest rung of morality.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Can't give everything until you've got nothing.

The Emerald Lizard

Another story to be read in our speech competition. A story from Latin America.

Long ago a priest lived in Guatemala. He gave everything to poor people. So he was also very poor. One day he met a man on the street. The man was crying." Why are you crying, my friend?" the priest asked. "My wife is sick and my children are hungry. But I have no money. What can I do?" the man said. The priest wanted to help the man, but he was poor, too. He prayed, "Oh God, please help me." Then he saw something at his feet. It was a bright green lizard. He caught it and put it in the man's hands. The man was surprised. The lizard turned hard and heavy. It was now an emerald lizard. "Go and sell it," the priest said. The man took it to a store and got a lot of money. He bought medicine for his wife and food for his children. Then they were all happy. They worked hard for many years and made a fortune. But they lived a simple life and shared their fortune with poor people. One day the man remembered the priest. He bought the emerald back from the store and went to find him. "Do you remember me?" asked the man. "You gave me this emerald." "Oh, yes. How is your wife? How are your children?" the priest said. "They're fine. And I'm here to give this back to you. For many years you worked hard for poor people. Please sell this and get some rest. "The man put the emerald in the priest's hands. The priest smiled and gently put it on the ground. Then it turned back into a green lizard and ran away.

The Spider's Thread

Here is a story a student will read for an English speech competition. It is based upon a parable in Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, and a Buddhist story. It was originally published in 1918 in a magazine for children called Akai Tori (Red Bird).

The Spider's Thread
Story by Akutagawa Ryunosuke
translation by Timothy Kelly

It so happens that one day the Lord Buddha is strolling alone on the shore of the lotus pond in Paradise. All the lotus blossoms blooming in the pond are globes of the whitest white and from the golden stamen in the center of each an indescribably pleasant fragrance issues forth abidingly over the adjacent area. Day is just dawning in Paradise.
In due course, the Lord Buddha pauses at the edge of the pond and beholds an unexpected sight between the lotus petals veiling the water's surface. Since the depths of Hell lay directly below the lotus pond on Paradise, the scenery of Sanzu-no-kawa3 and Hari-no-yama4 can be clearly seen through the crystal-clear water just as if looking through a stereopticon.
Then, the single figure of a man, Kandata by name, squirming there in the depths of Hell along with other sinners, comes into the Lord Buddha's gaze. This man Kandata is a murderer, an arsonist, and a master thief with numerous robberies to his credit. Yet, the Lord Buddha recalls that he had performed a single good deed. That is to say, once when Kandata was traveling through the middle of a dense forest he came upon a spider crawling along the roadside. Thereupon, he immediately raised his foot and was about to trample it to death. But, he suddenly reconsidered, saying, "Nay, nay, small though this spider be, there is no doubt that it too is a living being. Somehow or other it seems a shame to take its life for no reason." In the end he spared the spider rather than killing it.
While observing the situation in Hell, the Lord Buddha remembers that this Kandata had spared the spider. And he decides that in return for having done just that one good deed he would, if he could, try to rescue this man from Hell. Luckily, he sees nearby a spider of Paradise spinning a beautiful silver web on a jade colored lotus petal. The Lord Buddha takes the spider's thread gently into his hand and lowers it between the pure white lotus blossoms straight into the distant depths of Hell.

II This is Chi-no-ike5 in the depths of Hell and along with other sinners Kandata is floating up to the surface and sinking back down over and over. No matter what direction one looks it is completely dark. And when one notices out there in that darkness the glow from the needles of the dreaded Hari-no-yama floating up vaguely into view, the feeling of helplessness is beyond description. Moreover, the surroundings are perfectly still, like the inside of a tomb. If a sound is to be heard, it is merely the faint sigh of some sinner. The sighs are faint because anyone who has fallen to this level of Hell is already so exhausted by the tortures of the other Hells that he or she no longer has even enough strength to cry out. Therefore, as one might expect, the master thief Kandata himself is unable to do anything but writhe, exactly like a frog caught in the throes of death, as he chokes on the blood of Chi-no-ike.
One day, however, something happens. Kandata happens to raise his head and spies in the sky above Chi-no-ike a silvery spider's thread, a thin line shimmering in the silent darkness, gently descending toward him from the distant, distant firmament as though it were afraid to be seen by the eyes of men. Upon seeing it Kandata involuntarily claps his hands for joy. If he were to cling to this thread and climb it to its end, he would surely be able to escape from Hell. No, if all went well, he would even be able to enter Paradise. And were this to come to pass, he would never ever be driven up Hari-no-yama again, nor would he ever have to sink again in Chi-no-ike.
Having thought thusly, Kandata quickly takes firm hold of that spider's thread with both hands and using all his might begins climbing up and up hand-over-hand. From long ago Kandata has been completely used to doing this sort of thing since he is a former master thief.
But because the distance between Hell and Paradise is some tens of thousands of ri,6 try though he might, he is not able to ascend to the top easily. After climbing for a while, even Kandata finally tires; he is unable to continue for even one more pull on the thread. Having no other choice, he intends first to take a short rest. While hanging onto the thread he looks down on the distance below.
He sees that thanks to the efforts he spent climbing, Chi-no-ike, where he had just recently been, is now already hidden at the bottom of the darkness. He also sees that the faint glow of the terrifying Hari-no-yama is below him. If he were to continue at this pace, the escape from Hell just might not be as difficult as he had expected. Wrapping his hand around the spider's thread, Kandata laughs in a voice unused during his years in Hell, "I'm saved! I'm saved at last!" Then he suddenly notices that below him on the spider's thread, just like a line of ants, a countless number of sinners are following him, climbing up and up for all they are worth. When Kandata sees this, he momentarily freezes from shock and fear, his mouth agape and his eyes rolling in his head like an idiot. How could it be that this slender spider's thread, seemingly strained even under the weight of just him alone, is able to support the weight of that many? By some chance were the thread to break, he, the egotistical Kandata who at great pains had climbed this far, and everyone else would plummet headlong back into Hell. For that to happen would be a disaster. But, even as he says this, sinners, not by the hundreds, nor even by the thousands, but in swarms, continue to crawl up from the bottom of the pitch dark Chi-no-ike and climb up the thin luminous spider's thread in single file. If he doesn't do something right away, the thread will break in two at the center and he will surely fall.
At this point, Kandata yells in a loud voice, "Hey you sinners. This spider's thread is mine. Who the hell asked you to climb it? Get down! Get off it!" Just as he screams at the other sinners the spider's thread, which till then had had nothing wrong with it, suddenly breaks with a snap right where Kandata is hanging. So, Kandata, too, is doomed. Without even time to cry out he goes flying through the air spinning like a top and in the wink of an eye plunges headfirst into the dark depths of Hell.
Afterwards, only the shortened spider's thread from Paradise dangles there, glittering dimly in a sky void of both moon and stars.

III The Lord Buddha stands on the shore of the lotus pond in Paradise having taken in everything from start to finish. When Kandata finally sinks like a rock to the bottom of Chi-no-ike he resumes strolling, his countenance seemingly creased with sadness. Seen through divine eyes, the Lord Buddha thought it wretched that Kandata's compassionless heart led him to attempt to escape by himself and for such a heart falling back into Hell was just punishment.
The lotus blossoms in the lotus pond of Paradise, however, are not concerned in the least about what has happened. Those blossoms of the whitest white wave their cups around the divine feet of the Lord Buddha and from the golden stamen in the center of each an indescribably pleasant fragrance issues forth abidingly over the adjacent area. Noon draws near in Paradise.
The End

Thursday, July 2, 2009

If you can't even fool yourself, what makes you think you're fooling them?

I gots

No answers left, only knowledge.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

And now you are strong. What did you think all that pain was for?